The wind howled at over forty knots on our approach to Franklin Island, rising starkly out of the Ross Sea. The skies were dark and menacing.

The green light from the scout party was given, and we headed for our morning adventure. What we experienced during the morning on this remote island was nothing short of wondrous: Adelié penguins with chicks in creches, most fully fledged and preparing for their new lives at sea. Parents piled up on the shoreline and headed for their feeding grounds in large waves.

Then there were the incredibly beautiful Weddell seals, some vocalizing. They mesmerized us with their mottled coats, occasional flipper scratching, and the even more occasional raising of their heads.

The seas during lunch and the early afternoon were wild and windy as we made our way farther south towards Ross Island. There were two presentations during the afternoon.

By dinner, we were in a sheltered spot where we spent a quiet night and readied ourselves for tomorrow, which has all the ingredients needed for another extraordinary day.