Antarctica, the lost and last continent to be found in the early days of exploration, still provides opportunities for adventure and exploration. Tabular icebergs, huge colonies of penguins and albatrosses float behind the stern. In a few hours you can encounter all kinds of weather: blue skies, rain, snow blizzard storms and back to blue skies. The scenery is spectacular and you are always aware of the strong forces found in nature. Few places in the world can offer you the advantage of being so close, the wind over the ocean, and ice calving from glaciers... but still in a comfortable environment, when traveling with Lindblad Expeditions.

As you meet this very harsh environment, read and hear lectures about the early explorers, we are surely impressed how they survived. James Cook was the first to cross the Antarctic circle but did not encounter the continent. While making the effort to reach the South Pole, Scott and Amundsen had to survive by eating pemmican and hoosh. Nordenskj”ld and his party survived by eating penguins and seals, since they were stranded for several years. The same for Shackleton and his crew while making the long trip, all the way to the South Georgia. Aboard the Caledonian Star, you really appreciate the comfortable way we approach this splendid area.

All through this spectacular trip among ice, ocean, penguins, and albatrosses we have enjoyed splendid food. In the photo you have part of the superb galley team onboard the Caledonian Star. It is Mats Loo, head chef; Magnus Oden, sous chef; Annika Haker, cold cook; Kenneth Lundholm the baker and our head waiter Gaylord Heron together with all the others in the hotel department who have made this trip a success. Every meal has been a new sensation and today the cold cook presented a new splendid dessert, Grand Marnier chocolate cake with candied oranges. Bon appetit! By the way, our baker supplies us with fresh bread every morning. Come aboard and try the food!