The beaches and rocks surrounding Right Whale Bay are almost completely covered by king penguins and Antarctic fur seals. Lesser numbers of other birds, including gentoo penguins, blue-eyed shags, Southern giant petrels, brown skuas, and Southern elephant seals are also to be found here.

Shortly after breakfast, we boarded Zodiacs for our final outing at South Georgia Island. Exploring the shoreline in our rubber craft, we were enchanted by the behaviors of the "locals." We watched fur seal pups cavorting in the surf and staging mock battles, practicing for the future, and king penguins popping out of the water and struggling onto the beaches, then walking tall and regaining their dignity.

Near one corner of the main beach, we ran into large numbers of "kings" in the water, taking their morning bath. Often surrounding the Zodiacs, the birds were swimming on their sides and backs, as they cleaned various parts of their bodies. They were clearly visible flying through the water, as they passed around and under us. The boldest and most curious of the penguins approached the boats, even pecking at the sides.