Today was spent entirely in Hornsund, an extremely attractive fjord on the southwest corner of Spitsbergen. We spent the early morning hours sailing and then, following breakfast, launched our fleet of Zodiacs and cruised by the face of this tidewater glacier. As you can see, the scenery is quite majestic and there was also plenty of bird life.

Later in the morning we took the ship deeper into the fjord, wending our way between gorgeous icebergs and keeping a vigilant watch for wildlife. We were quickly rewarded with two polar bears frolicking and sliding in a snowfield on the hillside, and then a mother and two cubs that appeared from behind a hummock not 200 meters above them. It was, needless to say, an extremely entertaining 45 minutes. As if that weren't enough, shortly thereafter we spotted another sow and cub, bringing us to 21 polar bear sightings for the voyage!!!

(And, literally, as I'm writing an announcement has just come from Expedition Leader Bud Lehnhausen that 3 whales have been spotted in the distance.