The port city of Vitoria in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo is a miniature version of Rio de Janeiro. It is set among many of the lovely "sugarloaf" rocks that this coastline is so famous for and the narrow harbor entrance makes for a fantastic view in the early morning light. The Caledonian Star docked at 8 AM today just opposite the stately Anchieta Palace, built in the 16th century as a Jesuit college and church. We took a drive through the city and over the graceful 3rd Bridge (photo) to Vila Velha (literally, old city) and the Convento da Penha. This convent and monastery is where Vitoria was founded by the Portuguese in 1551. At Easter, thousands of the faithful make a pilgrimage to the top of the mountain 500 feet high and many of them do this on their knees. We drove to the top of the mountain and along the way we saw remnants of the Atlantic rainforest and heard the calls of tamarins in the treetops. The view from the monastery was outstanding!