The state of Paraná in Brazil is very different than anything else we have seen on this Latin American Discovery journey. We are now well south of the Tropic of Capricorn and the landscape is changing with every stop. This morning Caledonian Star guests traveled inland to the capital of the state, Curitiba. This city is recognized as the most innovative in the world with respect to livability. Mayors from New York and Los Angeles have come here to learn how best to plan for transportation, housing, open space, and quality of life issues in cities of greater than 1 million people. We next took a ride on the Serra Verde train. This spectacular ride descends 3000 feet down from the coastal mountains (see photo) to the quaint little town of Morretes. Here we enjoyed a typical dish of the region, barreado, which is beef slow-cooked in a clay pot for 24 hours and mixed with manioc flour and bananas. Wow! The birding was excellent right from our lunch deck perched next to the river. It has been a fantastic day viewing the forests and the river from the train.