Overnight we reached Ireland. We slid into Bantry Bay and its quiet waters, having spent a night breasting wind and wave on passage from England.

A gray dawn gave way to a sodden morning but our first outing of the day was saved because it was to Bantry House with all its antiques and faded splendor -- also dry and warm. There was even a coal fire burning in one of the great fireplaces -- this on the first day of June!

Some hardy souls walked in the rain among the lush trees and flowering shrubs in the grounds. Every time a stronger gust of wind blew there came a great cascade of fat raindrops from the leafy branches overhead. A song thrush sang gloriously through it all!

The afternoon saw a clearance just in time for our scheduled visit to Garinish, an island in Bantry Bay, covered in lush -- and in many cases subtropical -- vegetation. THE SUN managed to come out to brighten up the whole place and everyone was delighted with the display of dazzling colours of the many flowering shrubs, some familiar, others very exotic indeed. The general consensus -- a great first day in IRELAND!