We awoke to another pleasant tropical morning, which is not surprising as we were at about thirteen degrees south latitude, on our way to the Equator and, eventually through the Panama Canal and to about eight degrees north.

Leaving Bah¡a de Paracas during breakfast, we were shortly in place to view the famous geoglyph "Candelabra de Tres Brazos." Like the Nazca Lines, there is no clear explanation for this hundred and fifty foot high pattern that was created by making a depression in the land's surface. It is believed to be much more recent than the features that we flew over yesterday.

Two extraordinary Zodiac cruises filled our day. Exploring Islas Ballestas and Chincha, the so-called "Guano Islands," of Peru, we had spectacular views of South American sea lions and a variety of sea birds. Humboldt penguins were the consensus as the favorites, though Peruvian boobies, red-legged cormorants, Inca terns, Peruvian pelicans and others all provided entertainment. Exploring the many coves and caves was another source of great excitement.

The photo shows South American sea lions and a group of Zodiac cruisers around Isla Ballestas.