Today we docked in the early morning at the harbor of Itea. Buses took us up the hill, on switchback roads to Delphi. The Sanctuary of Apollo is situated on the slopes of Mt. Parnassus, overlooking the Gulf of Corinth, and will always attract every traveler to Greece. According to mythological tradition, Zeus released two eagles at opposite ends of the world and they eventually met here. On the site anyone will understand why. The scenery is spectacular!

We immediately went to the site and our guides gave us a full explanation about Delphi and the oracle. Later on we also visited the museum.

After lunch we continued further east with the Caledonian Star and enjoyed a talk by Ron Suny about "Nations & Nationalism." As the sun was dropping, we sailed through the Corinth Canal, which now separates the Peloponnesus from the mainland of Greece. The canal is about four miles long and was built in the late 19th century. As always, a tugboat is required for any large ship going through the canal. All our guests of course were out on deck to follow this event. Along the deep slopes of the canal we could also enjoy both botany and birding.

The day ended with a great deck dinner on the pool deck, which the chef and kitchen staff had spent all day preparing for us. What a great finale to another great day!