With a fresh breeze and following seas, the Caledonian Star is making excellent time towards Ushuia, Argentina, her final destination of this expedition. It is hard to believe that we left this port just three weeks ago, considering all of the experiences that we have had and the friendships that we have made.

After crossing the Drake Passage, we explored around the Antarctic Peninsula, walking among penguins and sheathbills, cruising in Zodiacs through fields of icebergs, and enjoying the majesty of the scenery from the comfort of the decks of the Caledonian Star.

At Elephant Island, we visited Cape Valentine and Point Wild, the sites used by Shackleton and his men. Continuing in the footsteps of the "Boss", we landed at Cave Cove, on South Georgia Island, which justified its reputation for spectacular scenery and unparalleled wildlife. We landed on beaches covered with countless Antarctic fur seals, and king penguins. A highlight for many was a visit to nesting wandering albatrosses. Perhaps the most moving moment was standing next to the grave of Ernest Shackleton.

After stopping at Stanley, capital of the Falkland Islands, we continued to Carcass and New Islands. Here, we saw rockhopper penguins and black-browed albatrosses, the latter mostly in the form of huge, molting chicks, barely fitting in their nests.

This shot is of Tierra del Fuego ("Land of Fire"), off of the port side of the ship.