Nauta Caño and San Francisco

Today was a day to explore as many different habitats in as many different ways. A black water stream, terra firme, a river island, and varzea forest were all experienced today. This diversity of habitats called for different means of exploration. We explored by ship, foot, skiff, night walk, and by kayak!

We began the day at Nauta Caño, a small black water stream that exits the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve through a narrow channel. At sunrise, some of us explored this amazing area by kayak, certainly one of the best ways to really experience it. We slowly paddled in a narrow channel, and the morning chorus was incredible. Silently, we were able to closely approach many birds along the shore. A few sloths were encountered, and both squirrel monkeys and saddleback tamarins as well. Gently paddling, but mostly just drifting with the slight current, was a delightful way to experience the Amazon.

Others of us set off by skiff, and we penetrated deep into the reserve. Squirrel monkeys were abundant, with huge groups showing off some impressive jumps. The creek was lined with kingfishers, hawks, egrets, and of course, more sloths. As the day warmed, we continued on down the Marañon River to the community of San Francisco.

Terra firme forest, or forest that never floods, is fairly rare in this area. In the afternoon, we went for walks in this new environment and were able to contrast this with our walk yesterday. Some plants and animals appeared similar, but many were different species adapted to living in this different habitat. Orchids, social spiders, a few frogs, and noisy flocks of parrots were some of the discoveries. As we exited the terra firme, we were treated to a spectacular sunset, with massive billowy clouds.

To complete our day of diversity, we set off on a night walk. This certainly is a different way to experience the forest. Our experience is limited to what we can see in our beam of flashlight, and the sounds we hear. A Great Potoo was spotted, along with a nesting Common Pauraque. A frog, many insects, and fireflies were also enjoyed. But once again, the sounds were amazing. Two Potoo species were calling, along with frogs, and the Amazon Bamboo Rat. As we returned to the Delfin II, we explored the sky as well, with a nearly full moon overhead, Jupiter nearby, and Venus and Mercury setting to the west.