San Isidro & Yanayacu River

Early in the morning we started off our expedition this week in the Peruvian Amazon with a bird watching skiff ride along one of the major tributaries of the mighty Amazon River, the Marañon River. Our home this week, the Delfin II was tied at a close distance from the confluence of the Yanayacu River with the Marañon River. There was a lot of activity going on and in less than two hours we had a long list of bird species identified. In fact, we did not cover a long distance for all over the river edge we had either a bird flying or perching on trees and shrubs. While we were bird watching we had the company of many pink river dolphins that were constantly breathing right next to the skiffs. A magical soft light, a cool breeze and the first sunrays gave us a sweet surprise we had a double rainbow on the horizon. A concert of beautiful sounds completed an idyllical scene that made us feel we were immersed in a dream.

After breakfast we went for a hike in the rain forest. We had two options: a long hike or a short walk. On these walks we could admire the thick and fascinating vegetation of this famous ecosystem. We observed with amazement several huge kapok trees and many colorful heliconias. One of the most important sightings, not only in the morning but in the whole day was observing one of the most beautiful butterflies of the world. We saw a “morpho butterfly” with its stunning metallic blue coloration fluttering inside the forest. Our guests were thrilled to witness my happiness for this sighting and consequently joined the joy.

In the afternoon we explored by skiffs a black water tributary, the Yanayacu River. Just at the entrance of this black water river we observed a fairly large building over stilts, the PV 1 or the to Pacaya-Samiria Reserve, wardens’ watching station number 1. We put our names in the visitors control log and then headed to explore the area. Later on while out on the skiffs we had a heavy rain characteristic of this time of the year. This rain was, in part, a blessing for the afternoon started being soggy and extremely hot. Before the rain started we explored a small black water creek and the rewards were many for we heard and spotted several bird species.

The day was over but left a big array of new feelings and memories to our lives. What a spectacular way to start off an expedition on one of the most fascinating places on Earth.