Zapote Caño & Magdalena Caño

Today is the last full day of our expedition. After being in the Amazon rain forest for almost a week our guests are already deeply connected with the marvelous dynamics of this enthralling and enchanting ecosystem. On our last day of exploration of the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve in Peru we had once again several ingredients that have made this expedition one to be remembered: beautiful landscapes, great wildlife sightings and wonderful meals with exotic flavors.

After breakfast we visited “Zapote Caño.” In this remote location we explored the area by skiffs or kayaks. We ended these activities with a visit to a small community named Urarinas. In this location we witnessed and experienced how people live in the Amazon. In this human settlement we observed the houses and the normal lives of their inhabitants. We were all marveled to realize how simple but at the same time how rich their environment is. We admired and bought some of their handicrafts before coming back to the ship.

Once onboard I was delighted to talk about my favorite subject, bats. This peculiar group of mammals has become part of my life for I had the chance to study and learn about them for years.

In the afternoon we explored another small tributary of the Ucayali River, the Magdalena. We had a short skiff ride for we came back a little earlier than usual to participate in a very special event. In Latin America we celebrate Christmas on the 24th, on the eve, not on the 25th like in the United States of America. We had the joy to be altogether, guests and crew, celebrating the bird of baby Jesus in a very emotive bilingual ceremony that combined carols in Spanish and English. In a personal note, I will remember this day being one of the best, if not the best, Christmas day I have ever had away from my family and beloved ones.

Later in the evening we had a sumptuous barbeque farewell dinner with local music included that was a golden finale for a spectacular expedition.

At the end of the week in fact we can feel a little tired with all the early outings and activities but our hearts and minds are positively fulfilled and rejuvenated with new feelings, memories, happiness and impressions, so solid, so intense that will stay with us forever.