Nauta area of the Rio Marañon

One lesson that nature teaches any student is that repeated excursions into the same locations do not produce the same sightings. This is one of the reasons that naturalists can enjoy travelling through the same regions year after year: no two trips are ever the same.

With this in mind, we planned a day to thoroughly explore two locations. Beginning at Nauta Caño we boarded the skiffs in search of wildlife, or some took a chance to kayak. After breakfast we returned to the same creek and found a variety of birds and mammals, including some excellent looks at sloths. Further from the main river we encountered several groups of monkeys of three species, including a glimpse of the monk saki.

In the afternoon we stopped near a small village called San Francisco (there is also a Nueva York on this section of river). Locations where we can walk onshore are becoming more limited as the high water season progresses. One regular and reliable option is the terra firme near the village, so we headed ashore to compare and contrast this habitat with our walk in the varzea yesterday. For any who did not wish to walk, a skiff ride headed out to visit a large lake where the giant Victoria regia water lilies were found.

In order to continue the theme of repeated visits to the same location, a small group of the hardcore enthusiasts headed back into the terra firme jungle at San Francisco after dinner. If we return, a full report on what we encountered will appear tomorrow.