Yanalpa Caño & El Dorado River

After being in the Amazon rain forest for several days our guests little by little are getting deeply connected with the marvelous dynamics of this enthralling ecosystem. Today we had another early outing, this time to explore a couple of new ecosystems in this expedition, a long seasonal island in the middle of the huge Ucayali River and an area dominated by palm trees. A beautiful golden light enhanced all colors and senses.

On the island we spotted several bird species that live there like colorful Oriole Blackbirds, a Grayish Saltator, Drab water Tyrants, and Smooth-billed anis. Along the Ucayali River side we spotted several Macaws. These extraordinary birds are the largest in the parrot family. We spotted several Red-bellied Macaws and some Blue-and-yellow Macaws. The bright coloration and magnificence of the latter are certainly striking.

After breakfast we explored Yanalpa Caño. In this creek we had the thrill to find a couple of highly interesting monkey species, the Owl Monkeys (Aotus vociferans) and the Monk Saki Monkeys (Phitecia monachus).

In the afternoon we had a late visit to “El Dorado” River. In this location we spotted many colorful bird species as Wattled Jacanas with chicks, night dwelling birds such as the Great Potoo (Nyctibius grandis), and some Nighthawks. The most interesting sighting was, for many, the prehistoric-looking and famous bird species the Hoatzin (Ophistocomus hoazin).

Our goal, leaving from the ship a little later than usual, was to stay in the area after sunset with the intention of spotting wildlife at night and/or enjoy the sounds of nature at night. With the aid of a powerful spotlight we found our way home.

At dinnertime, a happy group of guests already friends, shared the impressions and sightings of the day with me while enjoying the exquisite Peruvian cuisine served on the ship.