Atun Poza & Pacaya River

A beautiful overcast day welcomed us to our full day of exploration of two of the most remote locations of the week, Atun Poza in the morning and the Pacaya River in the afternoon.

Today we experienced firsthand the extraordinary biodiversity of the Pacaya–Samiria National Reserve. The reserve is the most extensive area of protected floodable forest in the Amazon rain forest in South America. In the morning we observed many bird species like, flycatchers, egrets, hawks. In addition to the many animal species, that include several Squirrel monkey troops, we had the pleasure to have our breakfast outdoors onboard the skiffs! This experience is great! for while being covered with the rain forest we had our meal served in the most fashionable way, white gloves and fabric napkins included, with the green surroundings and a concert of sounds as companions.

In the afternoon we started a little earlier than usual with the intention to go as far as we could inside the Pacaya River. As the afternoon was very hot and sultry we had the joy to swim in a very large lagoon known as Yanayacu. It felt wonderful not only because the water temperature was perfect but because we were swimming in the same place with the company of several Pink River Dolphins that were seen at the distance. After swimming, we continued exploring and our efforts were rewarded by the observation of several Red Howler Monkeys troops (Alouatta seniculus).

Late in the evening, at around 1810, we arrived back on board with the wonderful feeling that we spent a great day in one of the most intriguing and fascinating ecosystems on Earth—the imponderable Amazon and in one of the best protected natural areas of Peru.