Casual and Pucate River

A brand new adventure in the Upper Amazon begins! This week we have onboard a very special group of ladies from Olivia. They all have something in common: passion, respect for nature and a lot of energy, enthusiasm, and hunger for knowledge.

Early this morning, at around 6:00am with the first rays of sun, we started to get ready for a pre-breakfast skiff exploration. For many of the participants this outing will be the first time ever in the rain forest, therefore this excursion was highly anticipated. We visited a very small and narrow creek, known locally as “caño,” at a close range where our home this week the Delfin II was tied up since last night. We observed heard and enjoyed many different bird species that included: Yellow-rumped Caciques, Russet-backed Oropendolas, Smooth-billed Anis, Lesser Kiskadees, Yellow-headed Caracaras, a Spotted-breasted Woodpecker and many more. With the satisfaction of having a successful outing we came back onboard for breakfast.

After it we went out for the second time in the day, this time to go for a rain forest walk. Equipped with rubber boots and all our expeditionary paraphernalia, we participated in this walk that served as a perfect introduction ‘in situ” to the Neotropical rain forests. With the aid of a couple of native scouts we found several frog species, some colorful like the tiny but deadly world famous poison dart frogs. We observed many important trees and had the joy to swing in a liana that was pending from a huge strangler fig (Ficus sp.) found in the middle of the trail.

A torrential tropical rain came next, reminding us why this place is aptly named rain forest. Even in the middle of the strong rain we were marveled not only by the quantity that was falling in such a short period of time but for the adaptations of all the inhabitants of this fascinating ecosystem.

Once onboard, after a shower and dry clothing, we had a couple of talks one about the Amazon region and river and one about the Pacaya Saimiria Reserve. At lunch we had the company of many Pink River Dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) that were seen from our seats in the dining room.

The afternoon was devoted to explore the Pucate River, a large black water tributary of the Marañon and one of the most important of the reserve. All our patience was rewarded with great animal sightings that included several species of parrots and macaws in addition to some mammals species like several Brown three toed Sloths (Bradypus variegatus), and a couple of monkey troops.

In the early evening, with drinks in hand we were gathered around the bar and lounge area sharing our impressions of this, our first full day of adventures in the mighty Amazon.