Supay Caño & Flor de Castaña
Our last full day of the expedition in the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve in the Peruvian Upper Amazon started early in the morning with a relatively relaxed atmosphere. We boarded our trusty fleet of skiffs and went searching for wildlife in Supay Caño. One group went kayaking and they had a great time rowing slowly in the stream of water at their own rhythm. This morning, the abundance of the biodiversity of the reserve was very evident for we did not travel much but every single minute we had a new sighting. We spotted a long list of bird species being the most remarkable a Blue chinned Jacamar, a Trogon, a Spotted-breasted Woodpecker, Black-crowned Night Herons, Canary-winged parakeets, Caqueta seedeaters, Yellow-rumped Caciques, Russet backed Oropendolas and Aracaris.
Later on in the morning after breakfast, we went to Supay Caño again but this time we went as deep into the river as we could. Rewards were many both in animal sightings and in landscapes. Just like this morning we were gratefully surprised by a large list of wildlife sightings. Toucans, sloths, several monkey troops, and many bird species were seen and photographed. Weather in particular has been formidable this week, and even though we are in the rain forest we have been blessed with beautiful sunny days with a total absence of rain during our outings. We just had a couple of strong showers and mist conveniently while navigating the rivers at night or during meals but none to date while on the excursions.
The afternoon found us in the vicinities of Flor de Castaña. We visited this community in the most relaxed way you can imagine. In this peaceful town we had a great cultural interaction with its inhabitants. We observed their normal life without stages or prepared acts. Many children and kids were following us everywhere we went. At the end of the visit we all gathered in the local school where our guests were greeted by warm Spanish children’s songs that were reciprocated by a couple of English songs.
Later in the evening we watched the slideshow of the pictures of the week and had a great barbeque farewell dinner with lively music included and played by our talented crew. It was a golden finale for a spectacular expedition in the mighty and spectacular Upper Amazon region of Peru.