The Beginning of the Amazon

The word Amazon conjures up many different images. First, for many, is probably of a massive river. Also, the entire basin or the rain forest. To some, it may be this mythological tribe of women, or a certain type of parrot. The joining of the Marañon and Ucayali Rivers is the place where the Amazon starts, and our day of exploring this region gave us a taste for (almost) all of these Amazons.

Beginning with a walk in terra firme forest, followed by a skiff ride or kayak, and finishing with a night walk in flooded forest, we had a diverse adventure today. We also had cooking classes on board, relaxed in the hammocks in the sunshine, and took a nap or two. With a high level of comfort, the Delfin II is a perfect platform to experience the Amazon.

Today we enjoyed the incredible diversity and beautiful flowers that make up the rain forest that is the Amazon. We passed through the joining of the two rivers to form the mighty Amazon. We saw incredible wildlife such as iguanas, sloths, monkeys, toucans, and parrots in the genus Amazona. Using our skiffs and kayaks we explored many of the small tributaries that make up this Amazon basin. And on the night walk, we possibly heard this mythological tribe of women, or maybe not.

Overall, a very diverse and rewarding day in the Amazon.