Rio Zapote and Belluda Caño

For our last full day here in the upper Amazon of Peru, we used a variety of ways to explore as much as possible. Skiff rides, kayaking, cruising in the ship, and hiking were our methods. Two different destinations, very different in their makeup added to the diversity of our experience. And once again we had amazing wildlife, great vistas, and a super learning experience with the help of our expert local guides.

The Zapote River goes deep into a large river island within the Ucayali River. With a very narrow entrance, we had to push through the silt to enter the river. Here, fish were congregating and the engines of our skiffs disturbed them. Many were leaping high in the air, with quite a few ending up inside our boat. Breakfast! Not only for us but the egrets and hawks here to join in the feast.

Kayaking here at sunrise was incredible with the sounds of the forest symphony. Birds, crickets, frogs, and monkeys made of quite a chorus. Views of all these things and sloths, all while gently paddling, was a very special way to experience the Amazon. Skiffs riders penetrated deeper up the river and enjoyed similar experiences as well as some fisherman catching piranha.

During lunchtime we navigated down the Ucayali to our afternoon at Belluda Caño. Here is a forest that is massive and stunning. Partially flooded with some terra firme it has a great mix of giant trees, palm swamps, bamboo, and in places an open understory. We again saw and heard more monkeys, birds, insects, and frogs. As well, on our hike, we learned quite a few things about the plants and animals. We even found some grubs feeding on palm nuts that would make a great meal, if we were desperate. However, we decided to return to the Delfin II for our final night and the absolutely delicious food awaiting us.