Yanallpa and El Dorado Rivers

An early optional walk was the first activity of the day. During this relatively fresh walk, in comparison with the hot and humid climate of the season, we spotted several plant and bird species. Little by little the sun started to shine, and we strongly made our way back to the ship. We returned for breakfast which was followed by a visit to a sand beach that included black mud therapy and swimming in the river. As the levels of the waters are very low, there are many sandy and muddy banks everywhere. We chose one and disembarked there.

The beach visit was a great success, for we spent a wonderful time sipping cold coconuts while walking around or simply watching the river bank from the comfort of a temporary tent that was set up in the place.

The mud therapy was enjoyed most. Several guests were covered with millenary mud that is extremely abundant in the area and rich in minerals. Several adventurous guests drifted for a long distance with the current of the big Ucayali River. They were wearing floating noodles and were accompanied by a guardian skiff.

Later in the morning and before lunch we had another Natural History talk by me on the “Morphology and Ecology of the Primates of the Pacaya-Saimiria Reserve in the Upper Amazon of Peru.”

After lunch we had an exhibition of Amazon medicinal plants exhibition by Delfin II naturalist Renny Coquinche. Renny collected many medicinal plants in the previous days during walks and visits to communities. He shared with us his knowledge about this interesting topic.

In the late afternoon we had a visit to “El Dorado” River. In this location we spotted many colorful bird species like the Wattled Jacanas and parrots among others. We stayed in the area after sunset with the intention to spot wildlife at night. With the aid of a spotlight we found several night dwelling birds such as the Great Potoo (Nyctibius grandis) and several spectacled caiman alligators.

At dinner time, a happy group of guests who had already become friends shared the impressions and sightings of the day with me while enjoying the exquisite Peruvian cuisine served on the ship.