Zapote Caño & Supay Caño

Today is unfortunately the last full day of our expedition in the Peruvian Upper Amazon. On this day of exploration we had beautiful landscapes, great wildlife sightings, kayaking, skiff rides, and wonderful meals with exotic flavors.

In the morning we explored another tributary of the Ucayali River, the Zapote. By kayaking or by skiff rides we enjoyed this area to the most.

After this productive morning the sky was completely clear and it became quite hot so we returned to the boat where a couple of crew members, our cabin boys Ivan and Jose, had an amazing demonstration of how they use origami methods to fold our towels that they place on our cabins every night. This demonstration provided lots of fun for several guests participated as volunteers in the towel origami-folding explanation.

The origami lesson was followed by another amusing one on how to prepare a “pisco sour.” Our guests had a lot of fun preparing and drinking their own piscos. Our cheerful barmen, Mario and Christian, gave detailed explanations that were followed step by step by the participants.

In the late afternoon we had very strong winds and a shower that reminded us how lucky we have been with the weather during the entire week. In the afternoon we disembarked at Supay Caño where we had the choice to go kayaking or take a skiff ride.

Later in the evening after watching the photo slideshow of the week we had a splendid barbecue farewell dinner with local music included that was a golden finale for a spectacular expedition.

This expedition has been a dream come true, a fascinating journey into a remote and vast region in Peru of the intriguing Amazon Basin. We will remember our adventure forever.