Zapote Caño & Supay Caño

Our last full day of exploration in the Peruvian Upper Amazon contained all the ingredients that have made this expedition a successful one. We had beautiful landscapes, great wildlife sightings, kayaking, presentations, skiff rides and wonderful meals with exotic flavors.

In the morning we explored a fairly big tributary of the Ucayali River, the Zapote River. By kayaking or by skiff rides we enjoyed this area to the most. Today the river was very calm and the morning was relatively cool; both perfect conditions for the early outings. After breakfast we came back on board to come to the river but this time we went further up, looking for more wildlife. In addition to the many different bird species that were seen and photographed we saw a couple of squirrel monkey troops as well.

After this productive morning the sky was completely clear and it became quite hot so we returned to the ship where a couple of crew members, Ivan and Wilson, showed us their skills using origami methods to fold the towels that they place in our cabins every single day. Several guests participated as volunteers in the towel origami-folding explanation.

The origami lesson was followed by another amusing one on how to prepare the most traditional Peruvian drink, the pisco sour. Our guests had a blast preparing and drinking their own piscos. Our barman Gaston gave detailed explanations that were followed step by step by the participants who eagerly drank their piscos with the company of their travel mates.

In the afternoon we disembarked in Supay Caño where we had the choice to go for a last kayaking session or take a skiff ride instead.

Later in the evening, after watching the photo slide show of the week, we had a splendid barbeque farewell dinner with local music included that was a golden finale for a spectacular expedition.

Unfortunately our expedition this week has come to an end but the memories and feelings compiled throughout the week will hopefully be everlasting.