Zapote & Iricahua

Quietly paddling a kayak along a blackwater stream, we hear the screeching of squirrel monkeys. Seeing the movement in the nearby trees, we paddle ahead of them and silently wait for them to approach. Soon, a large troop of fifty or more pass by. We watch in awe as they take massive jumps, pick at fruits and insects, and comically interact with one another. A few carry babies on their backs or bellies. This is what it is all about!

Our week here in the upper Amazon of Peru has been filled with similar experiences. Today we added many more. From the smiling faces of the villagers at Zapote, to the little frog that was found by the bar. The massive red flower found floating in the water, to the two Monk Saki looking down upon us. And so many more.

Finishing off with a buffet dinner and dancing to the sounds of the amazing crew, we reflect on what an amazing week we have shared. Images of the slideshow scroll in our heads, and dreams of taking many more photos tomorrow.