Canopy Walkway & Nauta Caño

The Amazon rain forest is a massive place. Millions of acres, it is a vast sea of green. Life here is abundant, from the fish and dolphins in the river to the orchids flowering high in the crown of a 150-foot emergent tree. Today, we got low and high to make the most of our exploration.

Our destination for the morning was a canopy walkway situated on a private reserve. A paddle across a blackwater lake led us to some beautiful primary forest in terra firme. We started the trail by looking up to two giant emergent trees. We needed to get up there! After walking awhile and learning about many of the other trees, we arrived at a series of bridges. Here, we were able to be amongst the trees, looking down upon many. Nine different bridges strung between large trees provided a much different perspective on the forest.

For the afternoon, skiffs and kayaks were deployed to search at water level. Kayaking especially gave an interesting perspective as we were able to kayak inside the forest. A few sprawling fig trees even allowed us to kayak through their many trunks. Fish jumped around us and a couple of pink river dolphins swam by. A brief rainstorm produced a double rainbow, but we haven’t quite figured out how to get up there. Yet!