Amazon River & Puerto Miguel

2013 has already begun as a happy and wonderful “New Year” aboard the Delfin II, a Lindblad-National Geographic Amazon expedition. I experienced some very adventuresome excursions today.

Beginning at 6 a.m., a skiff ride (passing where the Amazon River begins) went into a creek leading to a beautiful lake. The stream and lake were covered with water lettuce and grasses, as far as you could see. The guides did not get us lost even one time, which I thought was a miracle. They were so skilled. The guides pointed out the jungle creatures and taught us about the birds. The quiet of the jungle and then the sounds of the animals were overwhelming and awesome.

The most important part of my day (along with the other guests) was the second adventure to Puerto Miguel village. The guides taught us about the culture, life, and education of this village. The group was greeted by a villager who exhibited an anaconda that he had just caught while fishing. The smile on his face showed us his pleasure as we took pictures.

The structure of the houses was unique in that they were hut-like and placed on stilts. One hut was also a local grocery. The church that we observed had arched out windows without glass. The school was very impressive. They are so proud of their classroom and success of the students, even though they have VERY limited supplies, materials, books, and equipment.

The most important experience was seeing the children all lined up to receive Christmas presents from the Lindblad/Delfin companies. It was such a joy to watch the children wait orderly and with patience for their gifts. I’ve never seen children so well behaved. The parents were as pleased and excited as the children. The expression in the eyes of the children and the laughter when they opened their gifts was so thrilling. One child received a truck an immediately started rolling it around in the mud. Another received a tea set. Some children just carried their presents around without opening them. Others just took a peek.

I had tears of joy for these children and their parents. I experienced the true meaning of love, sharing, and giving.