Ucayali, Marañon & Amazon Rivers

Our day started at six o’clock with a skiff ride along some of the streams of the Marañon River. The wildlife was very active at this time, and many species of birds and even some pink river dolphins were seen.

Shortly after our skiff ride, we had a delicious breakfast and afterwards went ashore to visit the community of San Francisco set on a riverbank. Everybody in the village was so happy to have us visiting and most of our guests were holding hands with the local people. We did not arrive empty-handed because our guests came prepared with some school supplies for the young kids. Apart from that we contributed to the local economy buying their souvenirs.

In the afternoon, the Delfin II sailed to the area were the Ucayali and Marañon Rivers merge to form the famous Amazon River, which was the site we’d prepared to explore. Skiff rides and kayaking trips were organized so we could explore both the white and blackwaters of the surroundings. The aquatic vegetation covered the whole surface of the blackwater stream, it made the river look as if one could walk on it, and that was exactly what many species of birds were doing, walking on top of the water lettuce. Perhaps one of the most interesting sightings during our exploration aboard the skiffs and kayaks were two species of birds hard to find: a Great Potoo, and a Bat Falcon.

As we were making our way back to the ship, we had a great finale with marvelous light for pictures and a rainbow.