Vardo, Norway

Norway is an extremely long country and we should know – we've been following its intricate coastline for many days now. It meanders north for hundreds of miles before sneaking eastward and rubbing shoulders with Russia. Today we exhausted our supply of Norwegian coastline in the country's easternmost town, Vardo. This small community is situated on a practically treeless island that is connected to the mainland by a very nice looking tunnel, a testament to the tremendous efforts to which the Norwegian government has gone to develop the Far North. The area even boasts the most modern fish-processing plant in all of Europe. But more impressive to our sensibilities were the crowded bird colonies on the tiny islet of Hornoya (pictured), the easternmost point in Norway. From the Zodiac or walking on shore, we were treated to fabulous views of the many puffins, guillemots, shags, and gulls that make the island their home.