Cerro Dragon and Venice Islet

After a bright sunny day yesterday we were relieved by low generous clouds today, which refreshed the environment and let us have a pretty agreeable walk at Dragon Hill. We found several land iguanas. They were spread out along the trail; it was like hunting for a treasure because these creatures, even tough they are bright yellow, like to spend time behind rocks and inside their burrows. Not too far from this area there is a tuff cone that has collapsed into the sea. Its sharp walls drop down to the deep ocean, and our snorkelers explored their depths and enjoyed the colorful marine invertebrates that inhabit its interesting ecosystem.

The ship repositioned to Venice Islet for the afternoon activities, which consisted of kayaking or Zodiac riding. Everyone saw white-tip sharks, rays and turtles while they navigated through channels colored by red and white mangroves.

When everybody was back, we weighed anchor and moved to Daphne Major, to sail around it, to see the place where two scientists (Peter and Rosemary Grant) have seen natural selection at work for so many years. Then we got this magnificent group picture, and ended up the afternoon with a warm Ecuadorian drink, a Naranjillazo.