Floreana Island

Another beautiful and calm early morning start, this time to land on one of the most historical places of the Galápagos Islands, Post Office Bay. Whalers, buccaneers and early sailors used to anchor here to send mail home to their beloved ones. There is a wooden wine barrel that was placed on this bay in the late seventeen hundreds; this is the post office we still use nowadays to maintain this romantic tradition.

After sorting through the mail and taking some with us, we took a Zodiac ride around a nearby and spectacular set of rocky islets which is the home of Galápagos sea lions. Big males were guarding their territories and many pups were showing off playfully as we motored slowly through the shallows.

Back on board we enjoyed our buffet breakfast and got ready, while the Islander was moving around to anchor off Champion islet, to go for a great deep water snorkeling. We shared our water outing with many colorful tropical fish species and large schools of razor surgeon fishes, king angel fishes, wrasses, black stripped salemas, Moorish idols, parrot fishes, wrasses, and puffer fishes to mention just a few.

Back on board from the first snorkeling outing of the day, we all got dressed and ready to go Zodiac riding around Champion islet to search for the elusive Floreana mocking bird. Finally at twelve thirty, we had a very well deserved lunch and after that, the traditional siesta. Then we got ready for the afternoon outings.

Starting at 2:45 in the afternoon, the snorkelers had their second deep water outing of the day around, Devil’s Crown. Then the kayakers disembarked. This was a wonderful outing in a calm turquoise bay where many baby sea lions swam among us. The final walk of the day was at Punta Cormorant. There the flamingoes were the most colorful attraction. What a magnificent and full day we had at Floreana Island!