Española Island

We are close to Christmas and our trip is almost to an end. This statement produces among all of us a contradictory feeling, since most everyone likes Christmas and are happy that the holidays are coming, but that also means that our dream trip aboard the Islander has come to and end.

This week has been fantastic and there is nothing that we have missed. In fact, the encounter with a blue whale during our navigation yesterday gave us all an unexpected Christmas gift from the Galápagos!

Today it seemed as if everything had the Christmas colors. Green-turquoise waters surrounded the bay where our snorkeling and swimming took place. The bright red and yellow colors of the kayaks adorned the horizon as some of our guests took to the water to explore the surrounding islands during the morning. And in the afternoon red and green iguanas adorned the black basaltic lava rocks, all along the dramatic coastline of Punta Suarez.

It was great to be in the company of great people and families who appreciate what this trip is all about…learning, nature and the good company of your loved ones. Merry Christmas everyone!