Floreana Island

Back in the late seventeen hundreds, a young Captain from the British Royal Navy was sent in a mission to this part of the world to look for whales. He was successful finding them and that is when the whaling era started in the South Pacific. It was also precisely at that time when the first mailing system in South America started to operate under a very altruistic premise, the link of the crew members on board of the whaling ships with their families back in England and United States! Today we started our day paying a visit to this historical site and we sent and collected post cards heading to different places around the world.

Right after breakfast, we headed to a location known as Champion Island. This is a satellite island with an incredibly rich ecosystem where we had the chance to do our snorkeling activities. An abundance of marine life was present in this area, including some sea lions that happily came and swam at our side.

For the non-snorkelers, the Zodiac ride adventure showed them more that just scenery. There were many sea birds nesting along the dramatic cliff section of this minute island, giving us the chance to appreciate even more the delicate balance of this ever changing-fragile ecosystem.

The afternoon options all sounded good, and there were even guests who wanted to do it all. A second round of snorkeling, beach time and a walk along a lagoon with flamingoes!

To top it all, a nice sunset provided the perfect closure to our day. The visit to the mysterious island of Floreana gave us nothing but wonderful memories to treasure for the rest of our lives!