Floreana Island

We had heard the story the night before, we were aware that we were about to land on an island rich in human history, but above all, in mysteries. In the early morning light, the island looked lost in the mist, as if ghosts of the many characters that made this island famous were whirling around: the toothless dentist, the legendary baroness, her good looking boyfriend…

Once closer to Champion, a satellite islet of Floreana, all fears dissipated, as we could see this beautiful collapsed cinder cone colonized by Opuntias and Scalesias. Its rich waters offered us the best snorkeling so far, with tropical fish and friendly sea lions. The famous and elusive mockingbird was spotted as well, together with swallow-tailed gulls and tropic birds.

After several rounds of kayak sessions, we landed at Punta Cormorant to enjoy the view of greater flamingoes, finches of various types, shore birds. By sunset time we were ready to come back on board. We had unveiled the biggest mystery of all, the beauty behind Floreana Island.