Bartolome & Santiago Islands

Today is our first full day in the Galápagos Islands. Our expedition leader made an optional wake up call at six in the morning for the enthusiastic ones who wanted to take the early morning walk. One hundred percent of our guests attended the invitation. Snacks were served in the lounge and, after having some we all disembarked for our first morning outing at 6:30am. We climbed up a wooden stairway located there by the Galápagos Park Service to avoid the erosion of the area. From up the summit of Bartolome Island we had one of the best view points of the archipelago.

After we climbed down, we had breakfast, had a snorkelling briefing, geared up and disembarked again for the second morning outing. This time we had a wet landing on a beach in Bartolomé; we practiced snorkelling and came back on board at noon to get ready for the next activities. After a great lunch and during the navigation towards Puerto Egas on Santiago Island, we enjoyed a delightful speech about pirates and whalers and how and why Lindblad Expeditions have adopted the island of Santiago.

The afternoon was highlighted with a second chance to swim and snorkel, huge territorial Galápagos Sea lions, lots of shore birds and large clutches of large crested marine iguanas.