Espanola Island

We started our last full day on the islands with three different morning outings at Gardner Bay in Española Island. Snorkelers caught glimpses beautiful colourful schools of fish snorkeling around Gardner Islet; this place has an amazing underwater geomorphology and of course the playful sea lions were our delight. At the same time kayakers went along the shores of this beautiful bay where turquoise blue waters offered us a great time. Those who preferred to relax and walk, wet landed on a spectacular white sandy beach filled with hundreds of sea lions. It was surely a fantastic morning for us all.

The afternoon at Punta Suarez we found with no doubt, the jewel of the crown. The hike here was the best of the whole week, hundreds of nesting blue-footed and Nazca boobies, waved albatrosses as well as swallowed tailed gulls were the highlights. Of course we can not forget the great and colourful marine iguanas, the large hood lava lizards, the playful and daring hood mocking bird and the beautiful and unique Galápagos hawk chick we saw on its nest right next to the trail. This is surely one of the best wild areas of the Galápagos.