Punta Vicente Roca, Isabela Island

It is a beautiful morning outside and the sun is shining as bright as it comes over the mounts forming the island of Isabela. This is one of the westernmost islands of the Galápagos and one of the most productive of this area. We couldn’t believe when we encountered common dolphins, as if they were a welcoming committee waiting for us. This group of playful creatures were jumping around and putting on a show that we will never forget. After breakfast we crossed the equator line and we accompany Lucho, our expedition leader, on a detailed explanation about the geology of Volcan Ecuador.

As soon as we dropped anchor, we jumped in the Zodiacs for a cruise along Punta Vicente Roca. The conditions were perfect, so off we went to the adventure. We got to see the magnificent cliffs and all the creatures living above and around it. Fur sea lions on one side, Nazca and blue-footed boobies flying all over, noddy terns sitting on the rocks, penguins adorning the cliffs, turtles popping up for air…you name it! The more we looked, the more animals we saw!

Right after we arrived back on board, Alexa, our Hotel Manager, satisfied our hunger with a traditional Ecuadorian lunch. A little bid afraid that such a feast of food would get us straight to the bottom of the Ocean, we decided to explore the depths of the waters snorkeling. We went to an amazing place called “la punta” on where we saw many species of fish and the highlight…marine sea turtles grazing on seaweed!

After snorkeling, a walk and a Zodiac ride along the coast of Fernandina was offered. This is an island where no animals or plants have ever been introduced.

We saw flightless cormorants nesting and some of them were feeding their juvenile chicks. The guests also had the chance to walk along the beach area to enjoy the sea lions colonies and connect with what nature has to offer in such a beautiful paradise. A perfect ending for a perfect day!