Española Island

Our guests have been so good attending almost every early pre-breakfast outing during the past few days, that the plans for today were to let everybody sleep in for an extra half-hour. This did not happen in the end, but our intentions were good! The official wake up call was supposed to be at eight o’clock, but before we arrived to the island a whale was spotted by one of our guests. As soon as it was confirmed, the whole ship new about it. It was nice to see some of our guests in their PJ’s coming to the outer decks for a closer view. It was a relatively small kind of whale known as Bryde’s whale, which is a frequent species found in the Galápagos waters.

Right after breakfast, some of the guests went for a nice ride to “Roca Tortuga” for deep water snorkeling. It was great to encounter lots of colorful fish as well as white-tipped reef sharks. The other half of the guests decided to go to a beautiful white sandy beach, apparently governed by the always-playful sea lions! We saw literally hundreds of them posing and acting as if they knew exactly what we wanted for our pictures.

After a nice morning on the beach we all worked an appetite. Unfortunately, the only way to deal with this was to leave the beach behind and make our way back to the Islander for lunch! While we were at lunch, we repositioned the ship to our next destination, Punta Suarez. It was great to find so many animals waiting for us in this section of the island. We saw colorful marine iguanas, thirsty mocking birds, sleepy sea lions, fast lava lizards, and whistling Nazca boobies, but just when we thought we had seen it all…we got to see the magnificent waved albatross, so our list was complete!

Our visit did not end there, but we continued our walk to an area where we could oversee the ocean and observe the famous “Blow hole.” We were very fortunate to see it blowing strong and high, providing one of the best landscapes of the Galápagos. This was certainly a perfect ending for our adventurous voyage around the islands.