Punta Cormorant, Floreana Island

What an impressive day we had! It will be eternally imprinted in our hearts.

We began the day with a touch of tradition as we shared some postcards from the famous barrel at Post Office Bay. Many of our guests were lucky to find postcards that they can hand deliver when they arrive home. Who knows who may come to their door with a card in the future?

The day’s Galápagos experience had just started. After breakfast we had an amazing encounter with the best swimmers in these waters, the sea lions. They were everywhere around and among us, so each one of us had the opportunity to see them underwater. They encircled us with a curtain amount of bubbles and far outdid even the best free divers among us with their graceful antics.

After lunch, we explored beaches very near to one another, but quite different. One was made of brownish sand with olivine crystals and the other of fine white sand. We also found flamingos in a brackish water lagoon behind the beaches. As the sun set we headed for the ship, thinking that today’s excursion was over, but ooh boy we were in for another great surprise.

As we motored towards the ship, our Zodiac driver, Efren, spotted a whale spout and we soon realized there were many whales in the distance. We hurried closer and WOW! For the first time (for all of us), a magnificent creature surfaced to breathe: the BLUE WHALE! This is the most enigmatic and largest creature that has ever lived on this planet. There, right in front of us, one was feeding! There were several other species of whales and dolphins in the area.

We followed the whales in our pangas and we cheered and laughed and then, once the light of day had completely faded, we reluctantly returned to the Islander. That experience was unforgettable for all of us, almost indescribable, too.

We are continuing with our expedition and, as I always say, “There is never a dull day in the Enchanted Islands!” Who knows what mañana will bring?

To be continued…