Southern Isabela

We anchored this morning in the bay off Puerto Villamil. The sun was already shining and we could tell it was going to be a hot day, at least here in town and along the coast. Our group of “volcano hikers” disembarked first, carrying water bottles and sandwiches and windbreakers because we could see that Sierra Negra was shrouded in garua this morning. We took pick up truck taxis to the end of the road and from there began hiking towards the volcano rim and on to Volcan Chico.

The weather in the highlands was perfect for hiking this morning: we had a cool breeze and clouds for the first hour and by the time we had hiked reached the rim, the garua had blown off and we had a magnificent view all the way across the caldera floor. We hiked around and then down to a huge shade tree and ate our first sandwich long before lunchtime: hiking makes you hungry early!

Next came the hike into the volcanically active area called Volcan Chico. It has erupted several times in recent years – the last time being in 1979 – and is a beautiful wonderland of lava and crater formations. The views down to the coast are also spectacular. The return hike back to the trucks, which took us down to town, was long and dusty, but the breeze continued to blow and provided relief from the tropical sun. We were glad to drink cold colas and beer and get off our feet after between 8-9 miles of tramping.

For the guests who chose to remain in and around Villamil today, there were several options. First they visited the Tortoise Breeding Center of the Charles Darwin Station, where endangered giant tortoises are bred and raised in captivity and repatriated to their natural habitats once they are several years old. They hiked out along a boardwalk to the lovely and extensive white beach where some swam and others strolled (or even jogged!) back towards town.

In the afternoon a large group visited “Tintoreras” and took a short panga ride and then a walk on an islet in front of Villamil. Here they found huge marine iguanas in the rugged AA lava, and several resting white-tipped reef sharks in a water-filled lava crack behind a bay. Some of our guests went for a swim and had the delightful company of a playful sea lion.

Bikes were available and several guests rode around town. At 5:00 pm we all gathered in charming La Choza Restaurant for seafood “bocaditos,” cold beer and soft drinks. Another great day in paradise!