Caledonian Canal and Glenfinnan

The day started off rather damp and drizzly but went onto being absolutely gorgeous. But back to the day’s beginning. The ship set off early from Craignure to sail up Loch Linnhe and then past Fort William into the Caledonian Canal at Corpach. By this time everyone had finished breakfast and were then able to enjoy this amazing transition – from being out at sea to the very restricted space of the canal.

After the sea lock we transited the double locks at Corpach and stopped just short off Neptune’s Staircase to await a very special sight: the Jacobite steam train crossing the railway bridge right ahead of us! After a friendly exchange of hoots by the steam engine and the Lord of the Glens we are on our respective ways. Ours takes us up Neptune’s Staircase, an amazing staircase lock system, where 8 locks raise the water level by 64 ft over a space of 500 yards. Thomas Telford, the engineer of this canal was a brilliant man! During our transit of the locks Iris (Barry) gave us a detailed and informative talk on the Jacobites.

After lunch we boarded our coach to Glenfinnan. This is where Bonnie Prince Charlie raised his standard at the beginning of the ’45 rising. It’s also a wonderfully scenic spot to explore. You can wonder down to the shores of Loch Shiel to the monument depicting one of the followers of Prince Charlie and watch the ever changing light playing on Loch Shiel. Or go on one of the optional walks, either with Rick (Atkinson) on a nature walk or with Konia (Tack) on a photographic walk with the Visitor Centre Manager’s dog Barney. There’s also the exhibition to explore at the centre on the Jacobites, a few souvenirs to buy and last but not least there’s the temptation of the tasty cakes in the café.

On our return to Banavie we enjoyed a documentary on the Caledonian Canal and its history. After dinner the day was rounded off with a very enjoyable selection of Scottish music with Alastair and Kirsty of the ‘Scottish Music Show.’ What a full and wonderful day on the Lord of the Glens!