Espanola Island

Our last day in the Galápagos dawned slightly overcast – the rainy season has started, and the islands are finally bathed in small showers of freshwater, bringing them to life and turning them green.

We have had an amazing week exploring many of the different islands that make up the group, each one completely unique and offering a totally different experience than the ones before.

There are several themes that remained with us throughout the week, however, the most noteworthy of which is the complete ecological innocence the creatures we have encountered demonstrate to the world that surrounds them. They are not always completely oblivious to us, though; in fact they sometimes seem as fascinated by us as we are by them.

Do they maybe feel that all those travelling with us are joining in a monumental effort to preserve the islands through the Galápagos Conservation Fund? They certainly seem to enjoy our presence, and absolutely welcome us into their world, as equals.