At Sea in the North Atlantic Ocean

It’s those changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes
Nothing remains quite the same
Through all of the islands and all of the highlands
If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane
- Jimmy Buffet

It seems that the only constant in life is change, and what changes we have experienced on our expedition across the Atlantic Ocean aboard the National Geographic Endeavour!

We started this voyage during the last days of summer in the northern hemisphere. Our first full day at sea out from Lisbon, Portugal brought the autumnal equinox. This day marks the first day of autumn in the northern hemisphere and the sun’s zenith directly over the equator before starting its migration southward. Today would be our last day in the northern hemisphere, where the fall days are getting shorter and shorter and winter is soon to follow. Sometime early tomorrow morning we will cross the equator, leaving behind those shorter days of the north and embracing days growing in length in the south as we magically leave fall behind and enter into spring. Three different seasons all in one voyage!

Our weather has changed dramatically as well. Westerly winds accompanied us as we left Europe. The northeast trade winds became our constant companion as we visited Madeira, the Canaries, and even Cape Verde. Earlier this morning we crossed through the doldrums, past the meteorological equator, and are now in southeasterly trade winds. These winds will accompany us until once again the westerly winds take over off the coast of Brazil at the end of our voyage.

Perhaps the biggest change onboard the ship has been in our attitudes. The slower pace of shipboard life has seeped into all of us. With nowhere in particular to be, and no real time schedule to keep, we are all allowing ourselves the luxury of time. Time to enjoy presentations and concerts, time to enjoy a good book, time to swim in the pool or relax on the sun deck; time to enjoy a great meal with new found friends, and yes, even time to simply stop and wonder at the magical beauty of the setting sun and the rising moon. There is no time like the present, and we are all here at the same time in our little world on the National Geographic Endeavour.