At Sea to Falkland Islands

Left Ushuaia last night, a bit of wind, there always is, but we did not know what to expect, just be ready, this is not a tame part of the world. We woke up this morning, not because of the sea, just because it is morning; or maybe we slept-in until the wake-up call, even better that way. Oh, there is some sea, a little from in front, a little from the north and bits and pieces from other areas, but we ride them well, just fun, day one on the way to adventure and it is starting now.

And there is wind, not much, 15 to 20 knots; this is good, now the birds are up. Some avians are really big, albatross and giant petrel, if there is not some wind to help, they do not fly, too much cost. Other birds too, perfect pintado petrels, icy blue prions. They follow us, they always look for something different. What are their names? Someone here knows, there on the deck, next to you, binoculars in hand, like Karen told you. And the light, beautiful! Take a picture, very hard to go wrong. Take a lot, try something different, yup, there is a lecture today about that, from one of the best photographers in world! Some clouds, up there, over there, big and puffy, powerful, but not threatening, makes the world bigger, makes you feel lucky just to be here, right now, going from somewhere to somewhere else, not in a train, not in a plane, but at sea, like it has always been done, in the stories, when the world was so big.

Lots of talk today, where we are, where we are going, who we all are and what we can do for you, hmm, but lots of time to walk the ship, get to know her, go out on deck, lots of staff there, very excited, they want to show you everything, if you want or just let you be, with your thoughts, with your feelings. There is even time for the gym, on the bike or the stair-stepper, makes you feel good and you can look out at the birds, over the ocean, over there is yesterday as we sweep towards tomorrow.

That’s it, just another day on the National Geographic Endeavour, a day like you have never seen, a day like I have never seen and I’ve been here for a long time, and I smile, nod my head, yup, this is a perfect prelude to tomorrow and every tomorrow forever after.