Bartolomé & Santiago Islands

We had an early beginning. Before breakfast we were ready to climb the 372 steps to the summit of Bartolomé Island to enjoy the view. This parasitic cone offers the most spectacular view of the archipelago. Due to the little water on the island, the area has been colonized only by the hardiest species – we saw Tiquilia plants, painted locusts, lava lizards, and snakes.

Later on we enjoyed the beach of Bartolomé, which we shared with a Galápagos penguin and a brown pelican. The snorkeling was a highlight, and of course our youngest guests enjoyed playing on the beach in the sand!

Late in the afternoon, we anchored at Puerto Egas on Santiago Island. Here some of our guest decided to have a relaxing afternoon at the beach, the others decided to walk along the shore. During the walk we found several shore birds, marine iguanas and finally we saw some fur seals up close! We got it all! We came back on board to meet with the Captain for our farewell cocktail. We all now feel as if we are part of this paradise – this is the magic of the Galápagos Islands: to bring humans back to nature.