Española Island

We started our activities early. At 8:00 a.m., we were landing at Punta Suarez, on Española Island. There is no time to lose in the Galápagos; there are many adventures to live every day!

Española has a very high endemism, due to the fact that this is the oldest island of the entire archipelago. The species have had more time to adapt to the specific conditions of this place, becoming unique to this island. The mockingbird and the lava lizard are exclusive species to Española. The marine iguanas we saw are endemic subspecies.

We walked through nesting sites of blue-footed boobies, swallow-tailed gulls and Nazca boobies. We had to be careful, as some areas of the trail were completely covered with marine iguanas. But the highlight of the walk was seeing the waved albatrosses. This bird has a wingspan of eight feet, and is a very heavy animal. This is why they have chosen the areas close to the cliffs of Española Island; when they are ready to fly, they just walk off the cliffs and jump! This is the only place in the world where this species of albatross nests.

The afternoon activities took place in Gardner Bay, on the northern side of Española. Here we had our first snorkeling outing. Some of our guest enjoyed of the glass-bottom boat, others kayaked along the coast, and everyone had the opportunity to walk on an outstanding white sand beach. Sea lions were all over; we observed them and shared this beautiful place with them.

Another day finished; so many activities, but of course we have a lot of energy. We are in the Galápagos, and there is no time to lose!