San Cristobal Island

We arrived at Punta Pitt this morning, and we were ready for an incredible hike. We had a wet landing on the green sand of a little beach, and we headed up to a steep canyon. Punta Pitt is a very old tuff formation that has eroded through time. San Cristobal is one of the oldest islands of the Galápagos archipelago. As we walked up the canyon, we found a great diversity of wildlife; A colony of red-footed boobies, green lizards, mockingbirds, and Darwin finches. The boobies were nesting on trees, very different from their closest relatives, the blue-footed boobies, that only do it on the ground. After the hike we enjoyed the beach while others went snorkeling and many did the “dry snorkeling” on board of the glass-bottom boat. Some still went for a Zodiac ride (locally we call it Panga ride) and enjoy the steep cliffs of Punta Pitt.

After lunch, we had the best to come; we snorkeled in the waters around Leon Dormido or Kicker Rock, as it was named by the Pirates, a place that cannot be described properly, as beautiful as it really is. White-tipped reef sharks and Galápagos sharks were seen among many others creatures like sea turtles, sea lions and many different species of reef fish. Our time in the Galápagos is ending, but the music of nature lingers on. Tomorrow the cars and the planes will buzz in our ears, but the memories will stay forever!