San Cristobal Island

This morning we landed on the beach at Punta Pitt, where we had a nice hike. We first enjoyed the green sandy beach, with glittering sparkles of small crystals of olivine and yellow volcanic ash. The erosion at our landing sight shows that the island is old and exposed to oceanic currents.

Then we climbed up the canyon and we found an incredible diversity of beings, especially Cristobal lava lizards. The special conditions here filled the place with a feeling of beauty and desolation.

A small colony of red-footed boobies nests here. Very different from the blue-footed boobies, they kept their distance from us and were spotted mainly in the air. One was perched by itself on a solitary branch, and we also saw an abandoned nest in a tree. The breeding season is over!

After a wonderful meal with which we stuffed ourselves, it was time for the sharks! As we got into the water around Leon Dormido, a number of sharks were spotted right off the bat. Knowing them to be nocturnal in their feeding habits, we did not blink an eye. Besides, we were very busy with the sea turtles, sea lions and many different species of invertebrates on the tall and seemingly bottomless wall at this location.

What a day, our last day in Galápagos!