Española Island
A new “Wavy” has been born on Española Island: a waved albatross, made for long-distance flights, a sweet pelagic bird that will spend its life mostly at sea; the only piece of land he will ever set foot on will be Española, and no other place on earth.
Wavy was the albatross of my kid’s bed time story, an albatross afraid of heights, whose best friend is an Española mockingbird. After I wrote about Wavy, there is no way I can observe an albatross without associating it with my character, especially if it is a charming, recently-hatched chick like the one in the picture.
This is a season for nests, for baby sea lions, for a cool southern breeze that impregnate the atmosphere with magic. I love Galápagos in July! We had so much to share with our guests today: clear waters with playful sea lions and different kinds of fish, white sandy beaches, kayaking along impressive cliffs, and a hike through iguanas, boobies, lizards, and—the top of the ice cream—this lovely little albatross, my Wavy.