Punta Pitt and Leon Dormido

We went on a great hike that took us to the summit of Punta Pitt where we enjoyed an incredible view. We saw the lighthouse that sailors used to rely on as they approached the Galápagos Islands coming directly from continental Ecuador. We also saw several red-footed boobies nesting on bushes hanging from the high tuff cliffs of Punta Pitt. After the walk our guests enjoyed some nice beach time in the company of sea lions, and the water temperature this week has been around 70 to 73 degrees Fahrenheit.

We took the guests who chose not to participate on the walk on a very enjoyable Zodiac ride along the shores of Punta Pitt and the surrounding islets. We saw an entire colony of red-footed boobies with several hundred individuals living in the shrubs hanging on the cliffs. The surrounding islets are also appreciated resting places for other marine birds such as swallow-tailed gulls, Nazca boobies, Elliot’s storm petrels, shearwaters, frigate birds, blue-footed boobies among others and of course the infallible, playful sea lions came around us smelling the Zodiac and enjoying the bubbles that the engine made.

The afternoon was really a spectacular ending to our week. Snorkeling around Leon Dormido was great. And at the end of the afternoon we had a cocktail at the bow of the ship before we all gathered at the lounge for the official farewell cocktail with our Captain.

So long friends, it has been an extraordinary week in the Enchanted Islands.