Genovesa Island

Early in the morning we anchored inside Darwin Bay on Tower Island. We began by taking our Zodiacs ashore and walked along the National Park trails. We found ourselves surrounded by large colonies of birds, such as Nazca boobies, great frigatebirds, red-footed boobies and Galápagos storm petrels. As we looked more carefully around the old rusty lava flows we found some short-eared owls hunting.

We found several active nests of red-footed boobies, some with juveniles and others with still-incubating eggs. There were also several frigates chasing other birds and some successfully stole fish from them. As our walks ended we began getting ready to snorkel, kayak, or just have a nice refreshing drink at the bar.

This afternoon was also great as we went kayaking for the last time and then for a nice walk where, amongst other things, we saw a couple swallow-tailed gulls mating, and several yellow-crowned night herons trying to catch fish from a tidal pond.

As we were ending our afternoon excursion, far in the distance we saw a lonely male magnificent frigatebird, with his red sac fully inflated, flying to his future nest.

This is always a magnificent place to observe birds and their behavior and we were not disappointed by all the great things we saw today.